The National Association of African Americans in Human Resources - Milwaukee Chapter (NAAAHR-Milwaukee) is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.
SHRM Recertification Providers are recognized as a “provider of choice” for SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credential holders working to maintain their credential. HR/HR-related educational offerings identified with the SHRM Recertification Provider badge let credential holders know the program is pre-approved by SHRM for recertification professional development credits (PDCs).
A list of SHRM recertification activities can be found on the SHRM website.
The National Association of African Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR), a not-for-profit organization, exists to provide a national forum where Black and African American human resources practitioners and those who are aligned with our goals can share, gain information and provide leadership on issues affecting their individual careers and the global workforce.
To establish a national network and forum for Black and African American HR practitioners.
To serve as a resource to individuals interested in entering the Human Resources profession.
To conduct, monitor and disseminate research and analysis on major workforce issues.
To influence platforms of national and international organizations on human capital best practices.
To establish a mechanism to monitor legislation and other factors that affect Human Resources practitioners and to develop strategies that effectively represent membership interests.
To provide opportunities for professional development which advances and expands the knowledge of HR practitioners.
To provide vehicles for connectivity and best-practice sharing amongst members

Why Join?
To have a forum where you can discuss issues that affect African-American HR practitioners in a safe environment Seminars & Workshops Telecourses
An opportunity to share best practices in all functions of Human Resources
To meet other HR practitioners that can provide other perspectives in the field
Membership Benefits
Networking and job opportunities
Open forum discussions about issues that affect African-Americans in the profession
To serve as a resource to individuals interested in entering the Human Resource profession
To provide opportunities for professional development which advances and expands the knowledge of HR practitioners
To provide vehicles of connectivity and best-practice sharing amongst members
Training and development opportunities, networking events and community service activities